I. Was. Running.

I hate running. Actually, I think it’s that continuous jog kind of run that I hate. When you are trying to keep the same pace for a decent amount of time. Let’s be real, I’ve never been a ‘jogger’, I don’t mind the odd sprint though. A powering up of the legs for a short and sharp burst to spike the heart rate.  You see, according to my FitBit, my heart rate hasn’t been hitting it’s peak during my workouts lately. When I asked Jim my trainer, why not, he said I needed to push myself harder now that I’m obviously much fitter than I was a year ago. So I thought the way to get in the peak zone was to try and jog, since when I do I’m gasping for air and putting my arms behind my head to get as much air into my lungs as possible, by the end of it. So on Sunday afternoon, I made myself go for a ‘walk’ around the freeway bridges where we live.

It was quite a hot sunny day and I had good intentions to jog a pretty good part of it. I started to power walk, I could feel my heart rate increase. So when I got over the first bridge, I thought, right, now is the time. I picked up the pace. I set myself targets to jog to, ‘right if I can just make it to that lamp post, then I’ll stop and walk for a bit’ I said to myself. Then if I make it to the sign, I’ll stop again. Then it was ‘I’m going to sprint as fast as I can the whole length of that limestone wall down there’ and you know what, I did it! While I may not be a jogger AT ALL, by breaking it down into small increments, I found I could actually handle it. I had a fist pump moment when I reached the end of the freeway and the line from my favourite movie of all time, Forrest Gump, came into my head, you know the bit where Forrest breaks free of his leg braces and learns he can run. Yeah, it was totally like that. ‘I. WAS. RUN-NINNNNG!!’ I even did a few laps of some stairs just to keep the heart rate in the ol’ peak zone for a bit longer.

When I got home, beetroot red and legs on fire, I checked in with Madamme FitBit. 44 minutes peak!! YESSSSS! Not sure I’ve felt that stoked with a workout in a while. I always feel like I’m giving my all when I box and do bootcamp etc but to have Madamme FitBit actually TELL me I had, was truly something else. I don’t think this means I’ll be jogging it all any time soon, in fact I’m supposed to be doing the HBF Run for a Reason in May, but I really don’t feel like doing it. I probably will, I’ll get talked into it and I’ll be glad I did when it’s done. But just because something’s good for you, doesn’t mean you have to like it!

Image result for forrest gump running



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